Saturday, March 6, 2010

Heavenly Daze

I don't know what happens to us when we die. I've never been to a funeral where the preacher said of the deceased, "This was not a nice person and he, without doubt, is sitting in Hell right now". Every funeral it's the same. "The deceased is now in a better place." So I guess every one goes from their last gasp for air, directly to heaven. So I want to discuss MY concept of heaven.

I'll buy the fact that we'll all get new bodies. If we are not going to live in a physical world, we must have a new body that can live in a nonphysical environment; another dimension And if this is a spiritual body, we won't have the familiar biological functions that we have on earth. For one thing, we won't need a vascular system with blood flowing through it. That means we will not have any blood relatives; no blood, no DNA. There won't be any sex. Sex was just the trap God created to propagate the species here on Earth. I don't know about food. It seems to me there wouldn't be any need for food. We'll have some other type of energy. It seems we'll be intelligent, but our old brains simply would not work in this spiritual body. So I don't know where we'll store information. Perhaps information will be all around us and we can somehow tap into it whenever we want to know something.

Many many times I have heard people say they can't wait to get to heaven so they can be reunited with a dearly departed spouse. Well, what if a person couldn't stand their spouse on Earth? Are couples stuck with each other for all of eternity? No. My marriage contract said "until death do us part". Others have the idea that their families will all be together again. I see a problem here. Most everybody's kids grew up and had kids, grandkids, and so on. Do you really want to go live with Mommy and Daddy again.........forever? And how many generations do you plan on cramming into one palace? Remember now, you aren't related anymore. And you don't have any marital obligations anymore.

Are we all going to be the same age? I would say time and age will not be a factor. After all, what is time. For us on earth it is the measurement of hours and minutes and seconds, years, days, weeks. All are based on the rotation of the earth around the sun. If the old earth passes away there will be no reference point for keeping track of time. If we are still going to be in God's image, we will be made up of light. You can't tell the age of light by looking at it. I think that's how it will be. We will be creatures of light. But somehow we will be able to recognize each other, but I can't figure out how that will be done. Maybe there will be some sophisticated name tag system. I just want to be better looking if I'm going to be stuck with this new body forever.

What about language? I'm reasonably sure there will be many many non English speaking people in heaven. Heaven must have its own language and we all must learn it. So do we have to go to school in heaven? Or will we be reprogrammed to know everything we need to know.

It's almost more than I can do to sit through a one hour church service. I really really hope there will be something else to do besides praising God. If we don't have vocal chords, what kind of noise will we make? Will all communication be telepathic communication? Supposedly, the angels are always singing about something. I wonder if it will be a new sound we on Earth have never heard. I know, I know, supposedly a choir of angels sang for Jesus' birth.

Will it be necessary to have some sort of government, or ruling class in heaven. I think the top spots have already been taken by God, Jesus and Abraham.

I hope they have animals in heaven. Somewhere it talks about the lion and lamb living side by side, or something to that effect. I would like a pet lion. I've always wanted a pet lion. But if there are other people who want a pet lion, there's going to have to be more lions made. Maybe we'll just zap into being a new lion, or cat, or whatever we want.

I desperately hope there's more to heaven than just lolling around waiting for the next praise and worship session. I don't know if I can stand to be happy all the time. I hope we are allotted a little grumpy time. There's just something not normal about everything being perfect all the time. Boring is more like it.

It has always struck me rather odd that the Father has tried to make heaven as attractive to us as much as he can. Knowing our basic nature, he has appealed to our greedy side. We are promised ivory palaces, streets of gold, rubies and diamonds et cetera. I hope there are servants who will dust my palace. All that gold dust from the streets is going to be a nuisance. And somebody is going to have to rake up all those precious gems that pop up from who knows where.

Seems like there is reference to milk and honey. Maybe that was the promised land. Let's say there is going to be milk and honey. That means there must be goats, or cows, or some other milk producing animal. Well someone is going to have to do the milking. And there must be bees to make honey. And they are going to need flowers for nectar.

I just don't know. The more I think about it, the crazier I get. If anyone tells me they know all these answers, I shall tell them they can go jump in a lake.


  1. I have all the answers, so there. Wait, what are the questions?

    Connie, what is the thing that you most want to get out of religion?

  2. What I want the most is the truth. I have been studying the history of the Bible and I am finding the Bible is so skewed. The process of translating alone has made changes from the Hebrew. Even just Hebrew to Greek made a difference. Then you throw in the HUMANS that cut and pasted whole sections of books, (that I never heard of I might add) to make a nice smooth flowing story. So why doesn't God come down and tell us in his own words what the truth is. Of course all the commentators would not agree on what they just heard. But I now understand, for me, there is no way the Bible can be taken literally.

    Thank you for your comment, but you may go jump in the lake now.

  3. Haven't you noticed? The Big G is busy. He wants you to collect some foreskins and then maybe he will talk to you directly. Or he might just smite, in spite.
    It is god's will and we are not to know.
