Sunday, May 9, 2010

How To Keep Illegals Out Of Our Country (click to see all)

The peoples of the world have been on the move since mankind came into being. Countries, cities, and people have come and gone for millennia. As long as we humans survive, this trend to migrate is going to keep right on happening.

Nearly every day I read of illegals pouring over our southern border. Violence, drugs, murder, mob wars, you name it, it's happening at and near the border. Today I read of another border story. But instead of keeping the illegal Latinos of Mexico, Central, and South America from crossing the USA border, the problem was "Sandramblers" and "Wilderness Wanderers". These are nicknames the Egyptians gave to the nomads who wandered throughout the eastern and north eastern regions including tribes in Canaan and Syria. As far back as 2650 BC (BCE) there is solid evidence of walls being built by Pharaohs to keep the Asiatics from forcing their way into Egypt.

Remains of an Egyptian wall dating back to the 19th century BCE were found. The wall was built of boulders as large as 6 feet thick and fortified with small turret type structures, and further strengthened by a dirt wall. And high enough that a ladder would do no good. Did it work? I don't know. It may have for a while.

I will always feel badly about what our ancestors did to the American Indians. The Indians tried to defend their land and way of life. Unfortunately for them, they were no match for the tidal wave of immigrants from many countries. Foreigners started showing up on the shores of America and moved across the country, rounding up the Indians like cattle and driving them onto reservations. The black people migrated, against their will, to the U.S. to be sold into slavery.

Some things cannot be stopped. The demographics of our country is rapidly changing and will continue to change. The middle east turbulence will not change, even with our intervention. So with that in mind, let's bring our boys home from war. Place them on our southern border until which time we can get a wall built. That's the way to keep the illegals out.

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